News, Youth

Mixed Results for Youth Teams

With the season coming to an end with an avalanche of games, we are still catching up with the results from July and early August. Up to the 10th of August there have been 68 scheduled matches – including two rained off and two walk overs.

Taking all competitions into account there has been an almost equal number of wins [33] to losses [35]. Teams have been competitive throughout, in only a few cases being out matched by their opponents.   But equally we haven’t been able to produce [as yet] a strong enough run of wins to challenge for honours.

Perhaps most pleasing has been the spread of performances. Earlier this week Lucy Kay [pictured] made her first half century playing for the Girls Colts as they secured a great win over Pembroke. The week before Ben Houchin also made his maiden 50 for the Boys Colts in their win over Leinster.

Girls Colts after their win against Pembroke

 The results tables and matches for the various teams are set out below. If I have missed any please let me know.

Date Team Opponents For Against Result Headline Notable
10-Aug Boys U17 Clontarf Clontarf win by 47 runs LOSS
10-Aug Girls Colts Pembroke 119 98 Merrion win by 21 runs WIN Lucy Kay makes first half century.
09-Aug Noys Colts B Clontarf Clontarf unable to field team WO
07-Aug Boys Colts B Adamstown Rain interrupted NR
06-Aug Boys Colts A Leinster 130/8 60 ao Meriron win by 70 runs WIN First 50 for Ben Houchin
03-Aug Boys Junior A Pembroke WIN Seb Dijestra [37* and 5/17] and Gavin Pantony [38*]
31-Jul Boys Junior A Railway LOSS
30-Jul Boys Minor A Rush Rush win by 20 runs LOSS* Cup Final
29-Jul Boys Colts A Phoenix 119/4 116/4 Merrion win by six wickets WIN Harry Sandys –  27* and 3/12.
27-Jul Boys Junior A YMCA 75/1 74/8 Merrion win by 9 wickets WIN
26-Jul Boys Colts B Cork Cork win by 35 runs LOSS
25-Jul Girls Minor Pembroke WIN
24-Jul Girls Colts Pembroke Pembroke win by 3 wickets LOSS
23-Jul Boys Junior B Terenure Ollie Molins and Jan Dijkestra retire on max batting WIN
22-Jul Girls Junior YMCA Meriron win by four wickets WIN
21-Jul Boys Colts B Adamstown WIN
20-Jul Girls Colts Leinster 114/9 112 Merrion win by one wicket WIN
19-Jul Boys Minor A The Hills 108/1 106/6 Merrion win by nine wickets WIN* Maximum runs for Jay Dijkesstra and Patrick Hawley
19-Jul Boys Colts B Finglas LOSS
19-Jul Girls Colts Phoenix 77 145 Phoenix win by 68 runs LOSS*
18-Jul Boys Minor A Greystones LOSS
18-Jul Girls Minor Clontarf LOSS
15-Jul Boys Colts A Phoenix 144/4 106 ao Merrion win by 40 runs WIN Isaac Dijkstra 50*
14-Jul Boys Junior A Pembroke 150 LOSS SF of Cup
14-Jul Boys U17 YMCA 132/8 150/7 Merrion lost by 18 runs LOSS Rohan Tewari [3/12]
13-Jul Boys U19 Leinster LOSS
10-Jul Boys U19 YMCA LOSS
10-Jul Girls Junior YMCA LOSS Cup game
08-Jul Boys Colts A YMCA 125/9 68 Merrion win by 57 runs WIN* Oisin Bhoja [50] – QF of Cup
08-Jul Boys Junior B Terenure LOSS
07-Jul Girls Minor Malahide LOSS*
06-Jul Boys Minor A Clontarf LOSS
06-Jul Girls Colts YMCA 32/1 31 Merrion win by nine wickets WIN* Sophie Stewart 4/9. Next round Semi-Final of Cup
04-Jul Boys Minor A Clontarf LOSS
04-Jul Girls Minor Pembroke Meriron win by 31 runs WIN
02-Jul Boys U19 Leinster 177/5 178/2 Leinster win by eight wickets LOSS
02-Jul Girls Junior Leinster 119 off 20 120 off 15 LOSS
01-Jul Boys Junior B Leinster 91/5 122 Leinster win by 31 runs LOSS
30-Jun Girls Colts Terenure 79 80 LOSS
29-Jun Boys Colts A YMCA 126 ao 136/5 YMCA winon by 10 runs LOSS
29-Jun Girls Colts Leinster 90 86 Merrion win by 4 runs WIN Sophie Stewart [30].
28-Jun Boys Colts A Adamstown 99/1 98 ao Merrion win by nine wickets WIN Another 50* for Oisin Bhoja
28-Jun Boys U17 Adamstown WIN
28-Jun Boys Junior A YMCA [C] 172/2 62 ao Merrion win by 106 runs WIN* Batting retirements  for Seb Dijestra, Alex Casey and Simon Kelly. Three wickets each for Dijestra and Cormac Hayden.
27-Jun Boys Minor B North Kildare LOSS
26-Jun Girls Colts Rush 73 65 Merrion win by 8 runs WIN wickets for Niamh Nulty [3], Lucy Kay [2] and Sophie Swewrt [2].
26-Jun Girls Minor Leinster 81 67 Merrion win by 14 runs WIN
25-Jun Boys U17 Phoenix Phoenix No Show WO
25-Jun Girls U17 Pembroke 111/4 110 Merrion win by six wickets WIN
24-Jun Boys Colts A YMCA 205/5 50/1 Game Interrupted NR Oisin Bhoja and Harry Sandys score half centuries
24-Jun Girls Junior Clontrf LOSS
23-Jun Boys Colts A Pembroke Merrion lost by six wickets LOSS Isaac Dijskra made 50*
23-Jun Boys Minor A Adamstown Merrion lost by 49 runs LOSS
21-Jun Boys Colts B Terenure 86/3 85 ao Merrion won by 7 wickets WIN
20-Jun Boys Junior A Adamstown 82 130 ao Adamstwon won by 48 runs LOSS
18-Jun Girls Colts Terenure 117 93 Merrion win by 25 runs WIN Ally Boucher and Isabel Light both retired [35*]. Two wickets each for Caoimhe Byrne and Milie Jerman.
17-Jun Boys Junior A Leinster [C] WIN* Next round agaisnt YMCA
17-Jun Girls Junior Clontarf LOSS
17-Jun Girls Junior Clontarf LOSS
16-Jun Boys Minor B Finglas WIN
16-Jun Boys U17 Adamstown Merrion win by 60 runs WIN Oisin Bhoja scores maiden century.
15-Jun Boys U17 Phoenix Merrion win by 5 wckts WIN
14-Jun Boys Colts A Railway Railway win by 17 runs LOSS Oisin Bhoja 50*
14-Jun Boys Minor A Leinster WIN*
13-Jun Girls Minor Clontarf LOSS
12-Jun Boys Minor B Phoenix LOSS
10-Jun Boys Colts A Railway Merrin win by 39 runs WIN
09-Jun Boys U17 YMCA YMCA win by 30 runs LOSS Seb Dijkstra 6-7
08-Jun Boys Junior B Adamstown WIN

The latest tables [10th Aug] are as follows.

Team Results
Played League Cup Total
Team Won Lost Cup Wins Cup Losses Wins Losses
Boys Minor A 7 4 2 1 2 5
Boys Colts A 10 5 3 1 1 6 4
Boys Junior A 7 2 3 2 4 3
Boys U17 7 4 3 4 3
Boys U19 3 3 0 3
Girls Minor A 6 3 2 1 3 3
Girls Colts A 9 4 2 2 1 6 3
Girls Junior A 6 1 4 1 1 5
Girls U17 1 1 1 0
Boys Minor B 3 1 2 1 2
Boys Colts B 5 3 2 3 2
Boys Junior B 4 2 2 2 2
Total 68 26 30 7 5 33 35


Finally, congratulation to Jan Dijestra and Patrick Hawley on their selection for the Leinster U11 team.