
Umpiring Capacity

Cricket Leinster [CL] has made a decision to take a new approach to increasing the umpiring capacity for all Open and Women’s [D1] matches. This will involve requiring clubs to provide umpires to cover the equivalent number of matches as they have teams. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of points [up to 50] for every league team the following season. A surplus number of matches covered by umpires affiliated to the club could result in the same amount of bonus points starting the season. The new regime is due to start in 2024.

With six Open and one Womens teams covered by the new requirements this means that the club would have to provide umpires for upwards of 140 matches. This represents a major challenge and will require the club to produce a significant greater number of umpires than they have at present.

While Management consider the options open to the club it is important that as many members as possible complete the umpiring courses that have been scheduled for January / February.

The implications of the new policy will be considered by Management at their January meeting and members will be kept informed on any actions taken.