It is becoming increasing important to expand the number of umpires available to stand in matches at all levels of cricket in Leinster. It is the responsibility of each club to ensure that they contribute their fair share of umpires to the common pool.
There are two important umpires courses run being run by Cricket Leinster this Winter. An Introduction Course [Umpires Education Stage One] which would be particularly suitable for parents who want to know more about the rules of the game and would be willing to stand as an umpire in a kids match from time to time. The Introductory Course is also a necessary step on the way to becoming a league umpire.
It is a two hour online course, run during the evening, on 18th, 20th, 25th and 27th of January.
The second course is an Umpires Stage II course with successful completion permitting you to become a member of the league panel for Open and Womens Matches. It is a four session course [two hours each] also held online. The dates are 15th Feb, 17th Feb, 22nd Feb and 24th Feb.
The fee, for both courses or if you only want to attend one, is €15. The club will reimburse the fee of any member who completes one or both of the courses.
Registration details on the Cricket Leinster website at . The cut off date for registration is 14th January 2022.