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Schools Day Out at Merrion

On Tuesday over 50 pupils and teachers from St Christopher’s Primary School, Ballsbridge and Shellybanks Educate Together National School Sandymount arrived in Merrion to play a series of cricket games. Organised by the club’s Youth Development Officer, Michael Hingston, the initiative was intended to introduce more young players to the game.

Three teams came from each school and matches went on all morning.

It was a very popular event, enjoyed by all. Chloe Langan from St Christopher’s commented, “It was very well organised and a great opportunity for our kids to meet kids from other schools who might be going to the same Secondary School next year and a fantastic way to finish off the cricket programme run by Merrion.”

And Niall Callan, Deputy Principal from Shellybanks, said, “It was a great way to round the cricket sessions they had done with Merrion. It was a really fun day, easily accessible for the beginners, plenty of fun for all and got the competitive juices flowing for the more experienced players.”

Thanks to the Merrion coaches for their assistance on the day.





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