The Autumn General Meeting of Cricket Leinster took place on Thursday, 24th November, and it was standing room only at Clontarf CC. On the agenda was a review of the past season, elections and a discussion around plans for next season.
In a series of written reports from sections of CL the following was worth noting:
- the Disciplinary Committee dealt with nine cases during the season [with two further pending]. Four players suffered match bans, three were warned as to future conduct and one had left the country. Overall the committee received fewer reports this year than last,
- the appeals Committee dealt with two cases,
- the Coaching and Development Committee reported on a busy year with an extensive under age playing programme for boys and girls. A range of coaching courses were held, from which 68 new coaches were produced and a further 60 people attended a variety of other courses. A new ECB Core Coach course has replaced the older Coaching Young Children and Coaching Young People and Adults courses. 12 candidates [4 from Leinster] successfully completed the course. It is planned to hold another Core Coach course in March 2023,
- it was confirmed that Lord Taverners Ireland have renewed their partnership with CL and this now extends to the end of 2024,
- there was a detailed report on the Womens Cricket which set out all the winners of competitions and of individual awards. Merrion 1st XI won three titles, Senior League, Senior Cup and All Ireland T20, and Leah Paul won the all rounder award with a record of 450 runs at an average of 75 and 12 wickets at 14.08 runs per wicket.
Of club interest in the elections to the various CL committees, Conor Austin was elected to the Open Competitions Committee, Angus Fleming to the Grounds Committee and Eddie Lewis to the Decisions Appeal Board. John Heavey continues as Board Chairperson of Cricket Leinster. A full list of persons elected can be found here.
In the general discussion about playing conditions a number of issues were raised including the use of colour clothing, the standard of cricket balls, the position of Dublin University in next year’s competitions and the rules around the provision of teas. A survey of clubs to get further feedback on key issues is promised.
It was also confirmed that the proposal to make clubs responsible for the provision of umpires and to penalise those that did not provide enough umpires to match their playing strength has been shelved. It is not clear what, if anything, will replace it.
Finally, the outgoing President, Jim Bennett, addressed the meeting. He thanked the clubs for the warm welcome he received as he went around the grounds watching cricket over the past season. He then handed over the baton to the incoming President Pat Banahan, who is of course well known in Merrion. The President Elect is Siobhan McBennett of Rush CC.